Links on Theology, Life, and Culture to encourage us to be — and to make — disciples.

Monday of Jesus’ Passion Week
This short video recounts the strange events of the Monday of Jesus’ final week, including the cursing of the fig tree and the “Markan sandwich.” Catch up on the short video about Palm Sunday here.

Here’s why everyone you know is baking bread in quarantine
British Columbians are giving added insight into “daily bread.” Is this draw towards bread somehow reorienting people towards scriptural truth? In the Lord’s prayer (Matt 9, Lk 11), Jesus instructs us to ask for daily bread, and Jesus tells us in John 6, “I AM the Bread of Life.”

What If Psalm 131 Wasn’t True?
The “reverse” of this Psalm highlights the importance of the Psalm’s truth.

Much Insight from the Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation (CCEF)
Free resources are gathered here on anxiety, parenting, loneliness, and illness, including “Fear and Faith Conjoined” and “‘When Children Say ‘I’m Bored‘”

Distancing and the Depth of Connection
While technology is lessening the sting, what we miss in meeting others is a sign of God’s intended good grace — as described in “Why Being Discouraged About Not Gathering as the Church is A Good Sign” and “No Social Distance in Heaven” (HT: Tim Challies)

Kyle Meeker
Theological and Leadership Development Pastor