2024 TAX Receipts

The 2024 tax receipts will be emailed out around mid-February.

Giving Options

Northview Community Church supports credit card giving – online or on the weekends. We are using the online donation platform “Tithe.ly”. Click the blue-button to give now.

Northview is charged a small fee when donations are made online with a credit card, please consider checking the box “cover fees” to help keep our expenses low. The entire amount including the fees you opted to cover will be on your tax receipt.

We accept e-transfers from your banking institution. Send to giving@northview.org and it will be auto deposited.

Debit / Credit terminals are found at the Info Booth by the Atrium. Follow the instructions by the machine. Be sure to fill out an offering envelope and include your debit / credit receipt to receive a tax receipt.

To have funds withdrawn directly from your bank account each month, pick up a pre-authorized giving form from any of the info booths or COMPLETE THE ONLINE FORM.

Drop your cash donation in the tithe boxes located at each door in the back of the Worship Centre.

Reception is open on Monday-Friday from 8:30am to 4:30pm to receive cash or cheque donations.

Reception is open on Monday-Friday from 8:30am to 4:30pm to receive cash or cheque donations. You only need to fill out an offering envelope if you would like your cheque split to other funds in the church (e.g. Care fund). Please make cheques payable to Northview Community Church.

Drop your cheque in the tithe boxes located at each door in the back of the Worship Centre.

Gifts of stock in publicly traded companies carry significant tax advantages. If you would like to discuss this option, please email giving@northview.org for more information.

Donating Securities for Tax Planning

We invite you to consider contributing financially to the new building campaign.

Building Fund

Spending of funds is confined to programs and initiatives approved by the Council of Elders. (See the online Giving dropdown menu.) Each contribution directed toward an approved program or initiative will be used as restricted with the understanding that when the need for such a program or the goal of an initiative has been met, or cannot be completed for any reason as determined by the Council of Elders, the remaining restricted contributions will be used where needed. 

Reception is open on Monday – Friday from 8:30am to 4:30pm to receive cash or cheque donations.
32040 Downes Road, Abbotsford, BC V4X 1X5

Donating Securities for Tax Planning

If you have any giving questions please feel free to contact us at giving@northview.org

What is the Biblical Teaching on Giving?

Every Christian needs to understand how significant it is to be a steward of the resources God has entrusted them with. Paul writes a simple faith instruction to the early believers: “On every Lord’s day, each of you should put aside some amount of money in relation to what you have earned and save it for this offering.” (1 Corinthians 16:2 NLT).