Men teaching and equipping other men.
Whether you’ve never been to church before, you attend Northview regularly, or you attend another church on the weekends–you are welcome here! Join us at one of our Bible studies. We offer a variety of weekly study opportunities, with occasional conferences and retreats to supplement the regular study of the Bible. All of our studies are expositional (working through a book of the Bible or section of a book sequentially) and inductive (asking a series of questions which help us observe, interpret, and apply the Biblical text).
Join a Men's Bible Study
Inductive Bible Study - Joshua
After 40 long years of wandering in the wilderness, the next generation of Israelites are positioned at the border of their promised land, and directed to go in! Will this new generation, under a new leader, follow God more wholeheartedly than their parents? Join us in our Fall and Winter study of Joshua to find out!
Starting in September, our Men’s Bible Studies will continue their weekly journey through the Bible. Men meet on Wednesday evenings. Our Inductive Bible studies typically involve 1-2 hours of homework.
What is Inductive Bible Study?
We believe God still speaks today and that His primary and authoritative way of doing this is through His Word; all 66 books! We believe taking in Scripture is a necessary part of the growing Christians life.
We desire to GROW in knowledge that results in men who look more like Jesus. We desire to SUBMIT to His Word. We desire to KNOW God: His character and ways. We desire to KNOW Jesus: what His life, death and resurrection accomplished (the gospel!).
We use the Inductive Bible study method. This method utilizes 3 tools: #1 Observation (what does the Bible say?) #2 Interpretation (What does this mean?) #3 Application (What do I do?) Through personal daily study, participation in weekly discussion groups and the teaching that follows, we strive to grasp God’s Word at a deeper and more impactful level.
Past Studies
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