Links on Theology, Life, and Culture to encourage us to be — and to make — disciples.

Come to Me All Who Have COVID Weariness, and I Will Give You Rest
Christ’s words (“My yoke is easy, my burden is light”) can be applied to all people in all walks of life.

A Greater Healing
Here, poetry speaks theology. A Greater Healing is beautifully profound. And after the poem, the author includes multiple Scriptural references to further clarify the truths written.

God’s Will for This Time
This brief video devotional from seasoned pastor Alistair Begg sets the starting point when thinking about the perennial question: “What is God’s will?”

Controversy: Coronavirus and Christ
When ideas and ideals clash, sparks fly. A few weeks ago, we linked to this resource written by Pastor John Piper: Coronavirus and Christ. It sparked both media and military chaplaincy scrutiny. Read (or listen) to Piper’s response in this episode of Ask Pastor John: remarks that are both generous to his critics as well as clear in his description of our One True Hope. May the sparks of controversy illuminate the Light of the World.

Infect Me: The Ethics of Testing the COVID-19 Vaccine
The Apologetics Canada crew addresses the issue in their recent podcast. How does one live with risk since risk is inherent in life? How do we wisely weigh options and possibilities?

Overview of the Twentieth Century
World events are interlaced with some of the pivotal theological events from the 1900’s — both the good and the bad. For example, read about a predecessor to Billy Graham: a professional baseball player turned evangelist named Billy Sunday; and, see the other events that surrounded the World Wars.

Fashion, Trends, and “Hero Products”
This 10-minute video chronicles the Rise and Fall of Toms, the (formerly) famous footwear with the “One for One” donation model. (HT: Tim Challies)

I Miss Baseball | Kevin James
This 2-minute video is, well, hard to describe … other than it may bring a smile to your face.

Previous TLC Todays can be read here.

Kyle Meeker
Theological and Leadership Development Pastor