Links on Theology, Life, and Culture to encourage us to be — and to make — disciples.
The Sorrows of Minneapolis: A Prayer for Our City
From the epicenter, Minneapolis pastor John Piper gives an extended prayer for God to work as only God can work, concluding with: “ … O Jesus, for this you died! That you might reconcile hopeless, hostile people to God and to each other. You have done it for millions by grace through faith. Do it, Lord Jesus, in Minneapolis, we pray. Amen.”
There is No Faith So Little That It Is Not Saving
Here is fresh hope if faith seems to be failing.
I Know a Place . . .
A brief read about hope …
The Mark of the Beast and the End of the World
Since the Ascension of Christ and the promise of His return, societal conflict and world events have prompted the never-ending speculation by Christians about the timing of the end of time. Key in this discussion is John’s Revelation. The last book of the bible has lots to do with last things (eschatology), yet it entails much more. A foundational view of the letter is key to steer clear of the wrong prophecies of Christian speculation. Helpful overviews are from Tom Schreiner (“What is the Mark of the Beast”), from the Bible Project (including a two-part video overview), and from Kevin DeYoung (“Revelation, Coronavirus, and the Mark of the Beast: How Should Christians Read the Bible’s Most Fascinating Book? (Part 1)”
“A Thinking Person’s Checklist,” by Alan Jacobs
Read a helpful list summarizing insights from a book that has been part of the Intern Program.
Behind a current headline
After reading the article above, a good exercise in thinking would be to listen to (or read) “The Briefing”. It lists some of the current cultural complexities, using a recent New York Times Op Ed as an example. Al Mohler’s commentary shows that there are *more than just two voices — left vs. right — speaking into the cultural moment.
Rocket Scientist vs. Backyard Squirrels
Watch this light-hearted and clever competition: rocket scientist vs. backyard squirrels. Global News also gives some more background (“Engineer builds ‘revenge’ obstacle course for seed-stealing squirrels”)
Previous TLC Todays can be read here.
Kyle Meeker
Theological and Leadership Development Pastor