Links on Theology, Life, and Culture to encourage us to be — and to make — disciples.
4 Reasons for Hope in Suffering
“Even though the Bible doesn’t answer your specific why questions—the kind of questions every sufferer asks—it does unveil why God allows hardship into the lives of his children. There is tremendous comfort in the purpose of God revealed in Scripture. God lovingly clues us into his purpose so that in the middle of our suffering we have reason to hope.”
Looking Death in the Face
Though the stats are from the UK, a society’s perception about death (including COVID death) may differ from reality. Still, all people will cross death’s threshold: “But whatever the cause of your mortal demise, faith in Christ means being able to look death in the face. Death comes to us all, but the hope of resurrection is glorious!”
The Pleasure of God in All of History
A minority people group faces major obstacles. In the midst of cultural and political oppression, gospel light is rare. “Pray for the A “Look at the Book” short video episode, from Desiring God’s series on Ephesians 1, that focuses on the grand scope of God’s purpose in History.
We’ve Been Here Before: Lessons from the Church’s Responses to the Spanish Flu of 1918-1919
History often repeats itself, at least in part. May we be faithful in following Jesus, regardless of how novel our days are.
What Exactly is Legalism? It’s More Complicated Than You Think
Michael Kruger distinguishes three different ways “legalism” is defined. When the term is used, clarity is needed for conversation to proceed without talking past one another.
Reading the Whole Bible: A Life-Changing Journey
“Why read the entire Bible? Because it is the one true overarching story (meta-narrative) that defines the life of a Christian. Authored by God himself, it introduces us to the complexities of his character and grows our wonder and worship of him.”
Chocolate Snow?
But, only briefly …
Previous TLC Todays can be read here.
Kyle Meeker
Theological and Leadership Development Pastor