Links on Theology, Life, and Culture to encourage us to be — and to make — disciples.
Singing the Song of Heaven Together
Worshipping together is a foreshadowing of the final and forever worshipping together. Maranatha!
Reading Scripture ‘Like a Berean’ May Look Different Than You Think
Whether one is a fan of Shakespeare (and this article’s analogy forthwith), there are unique and multiple ways by which we interact with Scripture: “Our relationship with the Scripture can also be flattened out. We don’t (or shouldn’t) merely read the Bible. We sing the psalms. We pray the Lord’s Prayer. We practice the Lord’s Supper. We meditate on the Law and hide its words within our hearts. We hearken to God’s instructions and observe his commands. We discern the meanings of proverbs. We proclaim the gospel. Using the words of Scripture, we recount, we lament, we exhort, we teach, we comfort, we rebuke, we absolve, we encourage. While what we conceive of as “reading” is generally a sedentary, solitary, and uniform activity, the relationship that Scripture calls us to have with it is anything but!”
The Uighurs of China: A People in Peril
A minority people group faces major obstacles. In the midst of cultural and political oppression, gospel light is rare. “Pray for the Uighur people. Pray they would be treated with human dignity. Pray, most of all, that the gospel would penetrate all the barriers that surround them and reap a harvest among these precious people whom God loves.”
Fear Your Fear of Man
While fearing others is “subtle”, “one fear is a deep and overflowing fountain of security, stability, and joy. The fear of the Lord is the only fear that breeds peace, and not just any peace, but a peace that surpasses all of our meager ideas of peace (Philippians 4:7).”
A #2020 Confession
Some of these may apply. And the supply of the forgiveness and restoration from the Lord never runs dry. “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9)
God Is Our Fortress — A Reading of Psalm 46 by Kristyn Getty
An audio and visual encouragement from Psalm 46: God is not far from us in our trouble.
A First Taste of Soda and Ice Cream
Two short videos show the surprise from the fizz of a Coke and the frostiness of ice cream. But, the bigger surprise is the secondary reaction.
Previous TLC Todays can be read here.
Kyle Meeker
Theological and Leadership Development Pastor