Links on Theology, Life, and Culture to encourage us to be — and to make — disciples.

Here Is Christian Encouragement From All Over the World
Some recent stories from around the globe. Read a few. Be encouraged by your brothers and sisters.

A Christian Case for Reading Godless Books
“We read to know we’re not alone. But as Christians, we can also read to ensure we’re not leaving others alone. The hand across their shoulder could be ours. And reading might just help us stretch it out.” The author presents the case for selective secular reading to know better the plight of humanity so that, ultimately, people’s pain can be healed with Christ’s sufferings.

Don’t Lose Heart: Gospel Hope for the Discouraged Soul
Every month, this business (Christian Audio) gives away a free audiobook. “Through biblical truth and personal stories, [Pastor Jason] Meyer encourages the weary and anxious believer by shining light on the nature of reality, the nature of God, and the intersection of the two in our daily, rubber-meets-the-road lives.”

Does Life Have Meaning? Four Possibilities
Four basic options are described, mixing individual meaning and the meaning from human history. Which would be the top two possibilities for the people you know?

Three ways you can participate in the mission of Jesus even while quarantined
Multiply, the MB Mission Agency who also has their offices on the top floor of the Downes Road Campus, has three ways to connect with what God is doing around the world.

On living through a pandemic … a century of events
Born in 1912, the life of one woman is told against the backdrop of world events. Her love and legacy continue on.

Yes, there is life on the moon — at least recently.
Though they probably did not survive the accident, the fact of these tiny creatures being on the moon could turn to science-fiction with some added gamma radiation or radioactive spider venom.

Previous TLC Todays can be read here.

Kyle Meeker
Theological and Leadership Development Pastor