Links on Theology, Life, and Culture to encourage us to be — and to make — disciples.

Let Your Nostalgia Point You Home
“C. S. Lewis said that nostalgia is the special emotion of longing, and it’s always bittersweet.” Those longings illuminate how God has “placed eternity in our hearts.” (Ecclesiastes 3)

Is Everything Sad Going to Come Untrue? Why We Need Eschatology [study of end times] Now More than Ever
Extending the insights from Lewis above, J. R. R. Tolkien penned the question in Middle Earth: “Is everything sad going to come untrue?” Addressing that real-world inquiry, this article answers: “Eschatology is not so much about millennial positions or the structure of Revelation, but is primarily about the problem of evil and how that problem will be solved. Eschatology is about how one deals with the sad things in the world.”

From a Christian worldview
Dr. Mohler gives “a daily analysis of news and events from a Christian worldview” in a 25-minute podcast discussing current headlines. Today’s edition includes recent international political controversies surrounding the virus as well as its (potential) origin story that would make those of the Marvel Universe blush. Wading through conflicting reports and opinions can be tough. A Christian worldview helps bring perspective to all the perspectives.

Normal Again, Thanks to COVID-19
Perhaps the “new normal” will include a more balanced perspective?

Here’s the Weird Thing That Causes the Smell of Spring
“You know the scent. Now meet the source.” Evidently, “symbiotic relationships” are not only in Star Wars.

Cancer, Chemo, Covid-19, and the Peace that Comes from God
Northview’s Connor Belsher shares his profound story. Other Northview devotional blogs can read here.

Be sure to stay up to date with Northivew Kids, Middle School and High School Youth, and Northview Young Adults. And, a few articles that are helpful reminders and ideas: 7 Tips When Talking To Kids About Coronavirus and 5 Ways to Disciple Your Teen While in Quarantine.

Previous TLC Todays can be read here.

Kyle Meeker
Theological and Leadership Development Pastor