South Asia Trip 2024
Without a doubt, God is doing amazing things in South Asia. As a team, we were blessed to see small glimpses of this and privileged to participate in it during our brief time there. We quickly fell in love with the beauty of the place and the people.
Our time in South Asia was spent encouraging, teaching, training and building relationships. One of the primary areas we spent time in serving was with young adults who have devoted 10 months to a discipleship and training program, where they are able to grow in some practical skills but more than that, grow in their relationship with God. A few of our team members were able to serve in the elementary school leading workshops with both the teachers and students. Other team members spent time teaching and training staff in areas that would help them to be more effective in their ministry and lives.
The Bible urges us as believers to encourage one another. Because we spent a significant part of our time with the young adults, through observing their interactions and hearing their stories, we witnessed their need to be encouraged and the need for them to encourage each other. Over the few days of intentional time with them in small groups, we were able to see tangible differences within the faces of the young people as they put into practice what they were learning. Spiritual warfare takes place when God is doing something great. So while our team was there we spent a lot of time praying over the place and against the spiritual attacks that were going on.
Our team was thrilled to see these young people wholeheartedly chasing after God. They are desperate to know Him more and to know the Word deeper. They displayed such curiosity and hunger when we opened God’s Word together, are passionate to share Jesus with others, and desire to serve Him. We were invigorated by what we saw and were overwhelmed with the reality of every tribe, nation and tongue glorifying God. Worshiping with our brothers and sisters in Christ in South Asia really was a glimpse of heaven.
We want to thank everyone who supported our team both financially and prayerfully. Your generosity blew us away, and we felt deeply encouraged by all the support. We felt your prayers during our time there as well. God gave us amazing unity and He utilized all of our gifts in different ways to partner with the ministry we went to serve in South Asia. We are so grateful for you! We recognize not everyone can pack up their bags and go to a country to share the gospel, but some people can give, and all people can pray! That is participating in the work of spreading the gospel. That is being the hands and feet of Jesus. Your role in supporting us was so vital and we are forever grateful.