Adam Van Rees

I am not very good with directions. So, I turn the volume down on the radio in order to be more attuned to my surroundings, consult the GPS on my phone, or ask my wife for help (she’s more reliable). I hate the idea of aimlessly wandering, hoping that I will arrive at the correct destination. After all, not all roads are equal or helpful when trying to answer the question of “how do I get there?” This rings true of earthly destinations as well as eternal ones.

The Old Testament carefully outlines the ways in which God prescribed how the Israelites could approach and relate to Him. The law, sacrificial system, tabernacle, and temple all served as answers to the question: “how do I get to God?” These things in and of themselves did not cleanse or make people acceptable to God, but they were the avenue by which God’s people could walk in faith and follow after Him.

In the final hours before His betrayal, Jesus makes an exclusive claim while conversing with His disciples. He says, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). Jesus is a direct contrast to the things they thought led them to the Father. Jesus comforts them by telling them there is nowhere else to look for salvation. He provides a reroute—sacrifices and offerings are not the permanent fix. He is the only way, the only true path to God. The systems and structures that were once necessary have now been supplanted by the One who makes people eternally right before God.

As you head into the New Year, will you trust and find comfort in the sufficiency of Jesus? Will Jesus be the only one you look to, or will you wander down counterfeit paths? He alone is the way, all others will get you lost.