Day 1

Understand their story

Read Philippians 3:12-4:9 to put this week’s text into context. Then focus on Philippians 4:1. 

  • Who is being addressed in verse 1? How are they described? 
    • What do these descriptions reveal about Paul’s relationship with the Philippian church?
  • What is the exhortation (command) that Paul gives to them in this verse? 
    • Verse 1 begins with a “therefore”. How is the exhortation connected to the verses that come before (3:12-21 especially 20-21)? 

Today, think of some beloved Christian brothers and sisters and pray in thanksgiving for them and supplication that they would stand firm in the Lord.

Day 2

Understand their story

Read Philippians 4:1-3 again. 

  • Who is addressed specifically in verses 2-3? (two women are named and one person is unnamed)
  • What details do you learn about the two women?
    • What are they being asked to do? 
    • Who is being asked to help them? 
    • Why are they being asked to do this?
  • We don’t know the details behind Paul’s exhortation to these women, but what does the fact that they are specifically addressed, and that the congregation is involved, tell us about the importance of unity and how the church was to manage conflicts? 

Pray today in confession as you reflect on any disagreements and conflicts you have with other believers. Do you need to “agree in the Lord” with anyone and let go of a dispute that could cause disunity?

Day 3

Connect to His story

Read Philippians 4:1-3 again focusing on verse 1

  • Earlier in his letter Paul also exhorts the Philippians to stand firm. Read Philippians 1:27-28 and note the similarities. 
    • How is his earlier command connected to this one in 4:1?
  • The “therefore’ in verse 1 ties Paul’s exhortation to “stand firm” to their hope of resurrection (Philippians 3:20-21). Read 1 Corinthians 15:50-58 where there is a similar command.
    • What does Paul call the Corinthian believers? How is Paul’s relationship with these people connected to the hope of resurrection? 
    • Why is the hope of resurrection an incentive to stand firm, be steadfast, and be immovable in our Christian life?

Pray today in adoration as you consider the hope of resurrection and the victory we have in Christ!

Day 4

Connect to His story

Read Philippians 4:1-3 again, focusing on verses 2-3.

  • Unity is a key theme in the letter to the Philippians. Read the following passages and note the main points and how they relate to the conflict of Euodia and Syntyche: 
    • Philippians 2:1-11
    • Philippians 2:12-18
  • Paul doesn’t just talk about this in Philippians, read the following passages and note the main point and how it could relate to the conflict of Euodia and Syntyche. 
    • Colossians 3:12-17
    • Ephesians 4:1-6

Pray in supplication today that God would give you a spirit of gentleness, humility, peace, forgiveness, kindness, etc as you seek for unity within the church!

Day 5

Apply to our story

Read Philippians 4:1-3 one more time, or read the passage in context again including Philippians 3:12-4:9. 

  • As you reflect on the command to stand firm, how can both the hope of the resurrection and the community of believers around you help you to be steadfast in your walk with Jesus? 
    • What does it look like for you to stand firm? 
  • Why do you think unity of believers is so important that Paul continues to bring it up in this letter? 
    • What does that mean for our own church and for you? Are you adding to the unity of our church or causing division? 
    • How could seeing others in the church as co-labourers in the gospel and remembering that their names are written in the book of life alongside yours, help you to live in unity with fellow believers? 

Pray in adoration, confession, and supplication as you reflect on these applications for your own life.