Day 1

Understand their story

Read Philippians 4:8-9. Today we’re going to focus on verse 8.


  • Who is Paul writing to?
    • Make a list of the 8 things Paul brings forward.
    • Write a short definition of each word (ie. true, honourable, just, etc.) in the list.
  • What command does Paul end the list with?
    • How similar is this list to your current thought life?
    • Paul implies a deliberate turning away from all that is dishonourable, vulgar, unlovely, and unworthy of worship. What thoughts do you need to turn away from today?


Pray in adoration for the ways God has revealed himself as true, honourable, just, pure, lovely, commendable, excellent, and praiseworthy.

Day 2

Understand their story

Read Philippians 4:5-9, making note of any words that are repeated. Today we’ll focus on verse 9.


  • Make a list of the 4 things Paul identifies in himself.
    • To be transformational, knowledge has to be both acknowledged and accepted.
      • Can you think of a time where you have observed another Christian put the things they have learned into practice, and so live in an excellent and praiseworthy manner? Consider sending them a message of encouragement to tell them so!
      • Can you reflect on something that you have learned about the gospel or God himself, that you have not yet taken to heart? How can you let this truth take root in your life?
  • What command does Paul end this list with?
  • What is the promise indicated for those who practice these things?
    • Look back at what you learned about this same promise in verse 7 – what do you learn about this promise today to add to your understanding?


Pray in confession today as you reflect on the ways you have not allowed the truth of God + His Word to transform your life.

Day 3

Connect to His story

Read Phil 4:8-9 again, perhaps in a few different translations. Throughout Scripture, we see that God sees, knows, and cares about our inner self (our thought life and our hearts), not just our actions. 


Let’s explore a few passages:

  • Read Mark 7:14-23. Where does Jesus say all evil comes from?
    • What does this tell us about our need for a new heart?
  • Read 2 Corinthians 10:1-6. What action does Paul command them to take of each individual thought? Who is in control of this action? What might this look like?
  • Read Romans 12:1-2. Where does transformation begin? What is the result of the transformation? What is the motivation for offering our WHOLE selves in worship in verse 1?


Pray in supplication for the Holy Spirit to help you in taking every thought captive.

Day 4

Connect to His story

Read Phil 4:8-9 – repetition is everything!

Throughout his letters, Paul often echoes “imitate me as I imitate Christ.” Let’s look at some of the ways that Jesus is the only one who was able to THINK and PRACTICE perfectly.


  • Read 1 John 3:1-5. Notice the call to imitate Christ as He himself is pure in verse 3. To be pure is to be clean from fault or immaculate. What hope does verse 5 offer us in our battle with sin? How are we called to respond?
  • Read Ephesians 5:1-11. What example does Christ set for us to follow? Where is the fruit of walking in the light found? How does this connect to our list in Philippians 4:8-9?
    • Paul twice refers to followers of Jesus as “children” – how does our identity as children in God’s family propel us to imitate Him in our thoughts and our actions?


Pray today in thanksgiving for Christ’s perfect record in thinking and doing.

Day 5

Apply to our story

Read Philippians 4:8-9 one more time, or read the passage in context including Philippians 3:12-4:9.


  • Paul is calling for followers of Christ to be attentive, reflective, discerning thinkers. What are some ways you can spend time regularly examining your thought life? How can you make sure you are putting your thoughts into action?
  • In what way does this passage show you your need for Jesus?
    • What is He calling you to repent of and turn away from?
  • How can you put into practice the selfless love of Christ so that your life will be excellent and praiseworthy?


Pray today in thanksgiving for Jesus and supplication as you seek to live out the commands of this text.