What is God's Will for my Life?

Episode #121 - Kristal, and Thaleia.

Great Commission

Episode 348 with Paul, Jeff and Daniel Holiday in BC Great commission Easter…


Episode #120 - Kristal, Thaleia, Jacki Graham and Erin Peters.

We actually tell you how to make balloon animals

Episode 347 with the northview robot's cousin Rant Time Balloon Animal…

Why do People resist the gospel?

Episode #119 - Kristal and Thaleia.

Counter Cultural Living

Episode #118 - With Kristal, Thaleia and Christine Reimer.

Promo Time

Episode 346 with Kristal, Greg and Daniel Jeff promised he would be here.…

Fortnight and Disappointment

Episode 345 with Jeff, Greg and Daniel Fortnite Twitter Abe Dissapointment

Prophecy Cookies

Episode 344 with Daniel, Andy and Jeff Prophecy Cookies AC Conference……

Harsh Topics at Church

Episode 343 with Paul, Luke, and Daniel. Molly the Pig Sodom Harsh Topics at…