The Joy of Prayer


Jesse Wilson Community Groups Pastor

John 16:23-24


As a kid I’d see a gift wrapped under our tree with a mysterious size and shape and wonder: “what actually is that?” I’d theorize, but only upon ripping off the wrapping could I have the joy that came from both a) fully seeing what was really inside, and b) using it as it was meant to be used.

I’ve too often left prayer wrapped up and unused. I’m aware of some of its dimensions, but haven’t consistently experienced all it’s intended to be. Jesus encourages something more.

We can speak to the Father because of our union with Jesus. We have the same access as Jesus. And when we pray “in His name” (with the same priorities and desires as Jesus), the Father hears and gives!

Feeling “joy-less” right now? Maybe this Christmas season is the time to treat prayer the way Jesus invites you to.

“In that day you will no longer ask me anything. Very truly I tell you, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete. John 16:23-24


Father, we’re amazed that you invite us to come near to you in prayer and that you desire for us to receive good things and experience a completeness of JOY in Jesus.

We sometimes don’t want what you want, and we drift into prayerlessness because of the distractions of life.

Help us to know and to seek what really honours you. Accomplish your good purposes here on earth as in heaven, and bring us into the fullness of your JOY.