Glory to God in the Highest


Jesse Schellenberg Mission Campus Pastor

John 16:14


My kids ask a lot of questions, like a lot. Most of their questions I am capable of answering but then there are those that stump me. Like the time I was asked what causes nightmares? I have no idea, but it seemed right at the time to say that, according to science, drinking soda was the leading cause of nightmares. My kids haven’t touched a pop in months! I recently got another one of those difficult questions from my daughter. We were listening to music together and the artist was singing about the glory of God, after the song finished she looked at me and said, “Dad, what is glory?” That’s a big question for a little girl and to be honest it’s not an easy one to answer.

Glory is not easily defined and yet it is a major theme in the Bible. For example, in the gospel of John, Jesus tells us that He will be leaving soon and in his absence He will send the Spirit to bring glory to himself, “He (The Holy Spirit) will glorify me because it is from me that He will receive what He will make known to you.” John 16:14 So what is glory? It is the magnificence, worth, loveliness, and grandeur of God’s many perfections. Or as I said to my daughter, God’s glory is His awesomeness, it is the many things that make us go ‘wow’ about God.”

Jesus sent the Spirit into our lives to open our eyes daily to the glory of God. Christian, do you see it? Is God awesome to you?


Heavenly Father, we see your glory. The beauty of creation never stops proclaiming your glory. The love and justice of your Son on the cross never stops proclaiming your glory. The power You displayed in defeating death and raising Christ from the grave never stops proclaiming your glory. Father, you are glorious indeed.

Father forgive us for the ways we have exchanged your glory for the dull delight of earthly things. Forgive us for the ways we go through life blind to your glorious providence and ignorant of our need for your peace. We admit that we have gone astray and fallen short of your glory.

Heavenly Father, help us, by your Spirit, to see you more clearly. We know that you were pleased to have the fullness of your glory dwell in your Son. So, help us abide evermore in Jesus and in so doing, remind us that you invite us to share in your divine glory, now, and forevermore.