We know that Northview people love to be in God’s Word and often ask for direction on different devotional apps and reading plans.

While there are several good options available through various sources, we’d like to encourage you to join in our Northview Devotional Guide which will guide you to read and reflect on the passages preached in our weekend sermons! We hope this will unite our congregation around the study of God’s Word, and help us to more readily absorb and apply the great teaching provided by our preaching pastors. Each week we’ll be providing a suggested schedule for working through a passage slowly (15 minutes a day). You’ll need a Bible and a notebook or blank paper to record your observations.

Printable Version

Each day we endeavour to 1) understand the story of the characters in the text; 2) connect to His story; and then 3) apply it to our story through adoration, confession and supplication.


  • Read Isaiah 40:12-42:13.  What seem to be key themes in these 2 chapters?
  • Now focus on 2 sections which help us to understand the mindset of people in this text.
    • Read Isaiah 40:27-31.  
      • What is Israel’s complaint or concern?  
        • What do you think this means? 
      • What is God’s answer to their complaint?
    • Read Isaiah 41:8-20
      • Based on how God encourages them in this text, what do you think they are feeling? (eg. the people likely need to hear that they are chosen and not cast off because they felt abandoned.  What other encouragement in this text gives clues to what they were experiencing?) 
    • God’s character is the same yesterday, today and forever. He is “for” his people now, like he was “for” Israel in this text! What attribute(s) of God encourage you today?

Pray in Supplication. Have you ever felt that God doesn’t see or care about your suffering (Isaiah 40:27)? Are you afraid and dismayed (Isaiah 40:10)? Confess your emotions to God and ask him to help you!




  • As God addresses his people in Isaiah 40 and 41, he is reminding them of his earliest promises to them, and their past experiences with him.
    • Read Genesis 12:1-3. 
      • What does God promise Abram in this text? 
      • How do you see these promises to Abram reflected in Isaiah 41:8-20?
    • Read Genesis 15:1
      • What does God promise Abram in this text?
      • How do you see this promise to Abram reflected in Isaiah 41:8-20?
    • Read Exodus 2:23-25
      • What does this text teach you about God?
      • How does this text answer the people’s complaint in Isaiah 40:27? 

Pray in Adoration, thanking God that he keeps his promises, and knows what his people are experiencing!  




  • Read Isaiah 40:12-17, 21-24.  What images or questions are used to convey God’s power and sovereignty? 
  • Then read Isaiah 40:18-20, 25-26 and 41:21-29.   Who (or what) is God comparing himself to in these texts? Who (or what) is Israel tempted to trust in rather than God?
  • Read Isaiah 42:1-4. Who will bring God’s justice to the earth based on this text?

Pray in Adoration. What can you praise God for today, based on what you’ve learned in these verses?




  • Isaiah 42:1 is alluded to several times in the New Testament  
    • Read Matthew 3:17, Mark 1:11 and Luke 9:34-35. 
      • Who speaks in these verses and what does he say?
      • Who is the voice referring to? 
      • Based on these texts, who is the servant that was prophesied about in Isaiah 42:1?
  • Matthew 12:18-21 directly quotes Isaiah 42:1-4 in order to make a point about Jesus’ identity.
    • Read Matthew 12:9-21.  
      • What is Jesus doing which demonstrates that he is the servant prophesied about in Isaiah 42:1-9? 

Pray in Adoration. God sent his son and servant, Jesus, to bring justice (42:1), and he will eventually establish justice throughout the earth (42:4)!




  • Read Isaiah 42:10-13. What were the Israelite people supposed to do in response to God’s promise of salvation? 
  • Read 1 Peter 2:9-10.  What are Christians supposed to do in response to God’s plan of salvation through Jesus?

Pray in Adoration, singing to the Lord a new song (Isaiah 42:10), giving glory to the Lord and declaring his praise (Isaiah 42:12).