Day 1
Understand their story
Read 1 Peter 2:18-25, and then focus on 2:18-20.
- What is the command (imperative) which begins this paragraph?
- What reason does Peter give for why his recipients should obey this command?
- What are the two sets of circumstances which may cause servants to suffer, according to Peter? Which of these two situations is “to their credit”?
- Reflect: Have you ever been motivated to endure hardship while doing good work, because you were being mindful of God? Have you ever taken comfort in the fact that God sees your efforts to be faithful, even if others don’t? Are these ideas challenging or convicting you today?
Pray today in confession. How does this text poke you? Where / when do you NOT want to endure suffering?
Day 2
Understand their story
Read 1 Peter 2:18-25, and then focus on 2:21-25.
- 1 Peter 2:21 begins with the words, “for to this you have been called…” Remind yourself, by reading the previous verses, what “this” is. What have servants been called to?
- In 1 Peter 2:21-25, Peter gives his recipients insight into how they can endure suffering while doing good. How would you finish the following sentences:
- Reason #1 – verses 21-23: By following Jesus’ ______________________
- Reason #2 – verses 24-25: By drawing on the power of Jesus’ _________________________
Pray today in Adoration! Jesus does not ask us to do anything which he did not do first: we can follow his example. Jesus’s death and resurrection breaks the power of sin and death and allows us to live to righteousness. His wounds heal us so that we can serve him, and endure suffering!
Day 3
Connect to His story
Read 1 Peter 2:18-25, and then focus on 2:18-20.
- Now, read Colossians 3:22-25. What does Paul remind servants in this text? Who are they serving as they obey? How will they be rewarded? What truth can comfort them as they obey (verse 25)?
- Read Titus 2:9-10. How should bondservants obey in this text? For what reason?
- Read Romans 12:17-21. This text is not written specifically to servants, but relates to the passages we have read. What is Paul encouraging people to do, in the midst of difficult personal relationships? Why?
Pray today in Supplication. Ask God to remind you to fix your eyes on him in the midst of everyday suffering and relational strains. Ask God to help you forgive, and leave thoughts of revenge to him!
Day 4
Connect to His story
Read 1 Peter 2:18-25, and then focus on 2:21-25.
- Now, read Isaiah 53:4-12. In this text Isaiah prophesied that “the suffering servant” (Jesus) would accomplish many things for his people. What benefits do his followers have because of his sacrifice?
- Which of these truths do you want to thank Jesus for today?
- Read Hebrews 4:14-16. If we truly understand Jesus’ earthly suffering, how will it affect our relationship with him?
Pray today in Adoration! Jesus is our high priest who has paid for our sins, and who extends mercy and grace to us when we need it! He can empower us to hold on to our faith.
Day 5
Apply to our story
Read 1 Peter 2:18-25, and reflect on how it applies to you.
- We do not have a servant / master structure in our North American society, but many of us have employer / employee relationships, or we volunteer in situations where we follow someone else’s leadership. What difference would it make for you, today, to enter your work or volunteer position being “mindful of God”?
- Think about a difficult relationship or situation you are facing today. How could you follow Jesus’ example of endurance as you respond to this relationship? How can the righteousness and healing offered by Jesus empower you to endure this situation?
Pray today in Supplication. Pray for the Holy Spirit’s power to honour God and “adorn the doctrine of God” (Titus 2:10) as we suffer and endure.