Day 1
Understand their story
Read 1 Peter 3:14-22, and then focus on the imperatives (commands for Christians) in verses 14-17.
- What should Christians NOT have?
- What should Christians DO?
- How are Christians to do this (with what sort of attitude)?
- What is the purpose of having a gentle, respectful attitude as we defend our Christian hope?
- Reflect: How do you respond to those who ask you to defend your Christian faith? Why do you respond this way?
Pray today in confession. Have you reacted to a non-Christian in ways that did not demonstrate gentleness, respect and a good conscience? Is the Lord prompting you to mend a relationship or to apologize to anyone?
Day 2
Understand their story
Read 1 Peter 3:14-22, and then focus on the indicatives (truths about Jesus) in verses 18-22.
- According to verse 18, what happened to Jesus? Why did these things happen (how do we benefit)?
- Where did Jesus go after his death? Why did he go there?
- Where did Jesus go after his resurrection? What status does Jesus have here?
- How does baptism now save Jesus’ followers?
Pray today in adoration! We serve a risen savior who suffered to bring us to God! He is now above all earthly authorities, so we have nothing to fear.
Day 3
Connect to His story
Read 1 Peter 3:14-22, and then focus on verses 14-17.
In verse 14-15, Peter quotes Isaiah. Read Isaiah 8:11-15 and answer the following questions:
- What should the people NOT DO according to Isaiah?
- What should the people DO according to Isaiah?
- What does Isaiah say the Lord will become, for the people, if they obey?
- Reflect: Who do you fear more – people or the Lord? How does WHO you fear affect how you witness to others?
Pray today in confession and supplication. Ask the LORD to re-order your honor and your fears, so that you honor Jesus as holy by defending his honor.
Day 4
Connect to His story
Read 1 Peter 3:14-22, and then focus on verses 18-22. This text tells us that, after his death, Jesus went to the spirits in prison (v 19). After his resurrection, he has gone into heaven (v 22).
- It seems from verse 20 that the “spirits in prison” are those who did not obey during the times of Noah.
- Read Genesis 6:1-4 to see how these “spirits” are described.
- Now read Jude 6. How does Jude link the story of Noah and Peter’s words together?
- Still confused? Read this:
- In this text the resurrection of Jesus is linked with baptism, which symbolizes the washing (removal of dirt) from our conscience (v 21). Lets see how this idea is also explained in scripture:
- Read Hebrews 9:6-10. What did the Old Testament sacrificial system do? What could it not do?
- Read Hebrews 9:11-14. What did the sacrifice of Jesus accomplish?
Pray today in adoration! Jesus is victorious over all the opponents of God, and his death and resurrection “[purifies] our conscience so that we can serve the living God” (Hebrews 9:14)!
Day 5
Apply to our story
Read 1 Peter 3:14-22! As we have noted, the first part of this passage contains imperatives (what we should do), and the second part contains indicatives (why and how we can do these things because of who Christ is and what he has done). We’ll finish off the week, reflecting on the commands Peter gives his audience.
- (v 14) don’t fear your opponents or be troubled by them. How does this challenge / encourage you?
- (v 15) in your heart honor Christ the Lord as holy. How can you/did you honor Jesus as holy today?
- (v 15) always be prepared to make a defense for your hope. Are you ready to make a defense? Do you know what / why you believe?
- (V15-16) make a defense with gentleness, respect and a good conscience. How do you speak to non-believers? What is your posture towards them?
Pray today in supplication. Ask God to fill you with the Holy Spirit, to cleanse you, strengthen you, embolden you and soften you so that you can honor Jesus and defend your faith with gentleness and respect.